We worship every Sunday at 11:00 AM, as well as on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve. The times for those services are announced ahead of time, normally 7:00 PM. We invite you to join us as you are able. The Lord’s Supper is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. All who trust in God are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
You may view our service bulletins here and listen to the message and/or service where available.
Why Worship?
- Worship is our joyful response to God’s presence in our lives and in the world.
- Anytime, anywhere, with anyone is an occasion to praise and thank God.
“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.” Psalm 100:1
Worship in the Memorial Community
- Is shaped creatively as liturgy, the work of the people, which is offered to God, our audience.
- Includes a blend of contemporary and traditional music, readings from the Bible, prayers, offerings, and testimonies to the work of God in our world.
- Involves ALL who gather, men and women, young and old – singing, praying, reading Scripture, and testifying.
- Follows an annual rhythm that helps us to learn about Jesus Christ and our ministry as Jesus’ followers.
- Includes Communion (the Lord’s Supper) on the 1st Sunday of each month; communion is open to all who trust in God.
- Sends us out into the world to serve the needs of others.
“I was glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1
Our Annual Rhythm – Seasons of the Church Year
Advent is preparation for the birth and second coming of Christ, from the fourth Sunday before Christmas until Christmas Eve.
Christmas celebrates the Incarnation, God with us. It begins Christmas Day and lasts twelve days.
The day of Epiphany (January 6) focuses on Jesus, God with us, as light of the world.
Ordinary Time between Epiphany and Lent is often centered on Christ’s mission to the world.
Lent is a season of emphasis on caring for the church community, begins with Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays).
Holy Week remembers the passion of Jesus Christ, and includes Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, begins Easter Sunday and lasts 50 days.
Pentecost – the church receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit for living as Jesus’ followers.
Ordinary Time between Pentecost and Advent emphasizes our lives as Jesus’ followers.